Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sluggo has joined the crew at UPGRD.COM

A few months ago I was approached by The Flying Pinto (Sarah) to see if I would be interested in joining a great group of travel bloggers at It didn't take much for her to convince me to join, however getting things set up and started would take a little bit of time.

Emailing back and forth with the sites owner, making sure I had access to the site, learning the process of uploading pics, and trying to figure out how to upload pics that wouldn't bog down the site. (which I'm still trying to figure out! LOL) I've finally been able to just do an intro post to get things started.

I'm pleased that I have this awesome opportunity to enhance my views and/or perspective with a larger audience of what it is like to be a Flight Attendant in the friendly (or not so friendly) skies.