Sunday, December 2, 2012

Flight chat forum Closing

For over 10yrs, I have enjoyed being, not only a member of a Flight Attendant chat forum, but also a moderator and Administrator. The site helped me make many great friends from many different airlines around the world.

Recently, the sites administrator has chosen to put the site up for sale, and because the site hasn't been extremely active in the past year, and/or bought, he has chosen to close it's doors earlier than when the sites domain name is due for renewal. (it will be closed sometime in the coming weeks)

It has been amazing to be a part of a site where I was able to watch it grow into something spectacular, helping many individuals (both young and old) come together, not only here in the United States, but world-wide, answering questions about what it's like to be a Flight Attendant, or even helping those who strive to be a Steward/Stewardess/Flight Attendant.

We have laughed, cried, fought, and bonded over many aspects of our careers. We saw some sad days on the site from losing members, or know of Flight Attendants who have lost lives either from accidents and/or incidents involving crashes or from other events. was a site where we could all go and share stories with one another about the crazy antics we saw during our flights, or walking through the terminals. We could all come together and complain about how the TSA treated us, or what we saw on our layovers. Of course, this could be anything from bed-bugs, dirty beds/sheets/towels/bathrooms/remotes/glasses, to having wild parties.

This was a place we could ask questions amongst each other about Federal Aviation Regulations, Airline Policies, or just complain about what our respective airlines were doing to our Unionized contracts. With these complaints, often brought with them arguments between members.

The one thing about being a flight attendant is the aspect of not being bogged down in a cubicle and not having a supervisor breathing down your neck require work to be done. Being a flight attendant requires one to be driven to work well with others, and to step up to the plate during emergency situations without thinking twice.

I will miss the great chats we had with each other, and hope sometime soon there will be another great chat forum we can once again call 'home'

Until then, keep flying the friendly skies!