Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Change for Good

Change for Good®

Change for Good is an innovative partnership between UNICEF and the international airline industry. Established in 1987, it is one of UNICEF's best-known and longest-running partnerships. Currently nine international airlines support the Change for Good program. Thanks to the generous support of customers and participating airlines, the global Change for Good program has generated over $103 million that UNICEF has used to provide a healthier, happier future for millions of children.

In the United States, American Airlines has been the participating airline of the program since 1994. Travelers on select international American Airlines flights can donate unused U.S. and foreign currencies to flight attendants onboard the aircraft to help UNICEF in its mission to reduce the number of preventable childhood deaths from 22,000 per day to zero, or make donations in Admirals Clubs and Flagship Lounges worldwide.



Send us your unused foreign currency today


If you are unable to donate your foreign currency on an American Airlines flight or at an Admirals Club or Flagship Lounge, you can still support Change for Good by sending your gift to the following address:
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
ATTN: Change for Good Program
125 Maiden Lane
New York, NY 10038
As donations of foreign coins are processed in bulk by a third party vendor, please note that the acknowledgment you receive for your donation will not specify the amount of your gift.

Volunteer as a "Champion for Children": Special opportunity for American Airlines employees


American Airlines and the U.S. Fund for UNICEF are working together to save children's lives by creating an opportunity for employees of American Airlines to get involved in UNICEF's Change for Good program. "Champions for Children" is a volunteer program designed to empower flight attendants, Admirals Club staff, and other American Airlines employees to take action for children as they perform everyday work duties.

Change for Good on American Airlines is proudly supported by Airline Ambassadors International, the humanitarian organization that leads the effort to recruit the flight attendant volunteers called "Champions for Children" who encourage customers to get involved.  The program is also supported by the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA). Change for Good on American Airlines could not exist without the incredible volunteer support of Champions for Children. 

Registered Champions for Children can click here to access a special website created exclusively for Champions for Children. (Please note that the Champions for Children program is only open to American Airlines employees.) To learn more or to become a Champion for Children visit "Employee Programs" on Jetnet, American Airlines' corporate intranet.



Record-breaking fundraising results announced for UNICEF’s Change for Good Program on American Airlines in 2010


Last year, American Airlines customers and employee volunteers “Champions for Children” raised a record-breaking $1.6+ million dollars through Change for Good on American Airlines.  Pound by pound, peso by peso, these collections were raised to support UNICEF’s:  relief, rebuilding and recovery programs for children and families affected by the 2010 Haiti earthquake; programs to support children and families affected by HIV/AIDS in Latin America; and general programs to support children worldwide. 
Learn more about the program’s outstanding success—read the blog post and press release
On behalf of all of the children who will benefit as a result of AA customers’ and Champions for Children’s outstanding support, “Thanks a million+!”

Change for Good on American Airlines "Trick-or-Treated for UNICEF" in 2010


American Airlines’ customers and employees made a difference in the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children this past Halloween by participating in the 60th anniversary of Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF.  This iconic program is the U.S. Fund for UNICEF’s longest-running volunteer movement and has engaged generations of grassroots supporters of UNICEF’s mission to reduce the number of preventable childhood deaths to zero.  Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF remains an inspiration to the young (and the young at heart) to further the cause of children everywhere.
For the second year in a row, American Airlines employees and customers had the opportunity to support Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF through Change for Good on American Airlines through a variety of ways between October 25 and October 31:
  • Volunteer flight attendants known as "Champions for Children" collected donations of foreign and domestic currency from American Airlines customers on select international flights and showed a brand new Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF video on-board flights.
  • American Airlines Admirals Club members participated by donating spare domestic and foreign currency in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF-themed donation collection boxes located in Admirals Clubs and Flagship Lounges nationwide.
  • As part of American Airlines’ "Season of Giving" campaign, employees had the opportunity to Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF through Change for Good by participating in a variety of workplace fundraising activities.

Earthquake in Haiti


Following the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12, 2010, Champions for Children immediately rallied and expressed their strong desire to help.  In response, all donations collected during the months of January and February of 2010 were directed to support UNICEF’s emergency long-term rebuilding programs for children in Haiti.

In March 2010, U.S. Fund for UNICEF President and CEO, Caryl Stern, traveled to Haiti where she witnessed first-hand UNICEF's response on the ground and the work UNICEF is doing to help rebuild the struggling nation.  While there, she filmed a special message to thank American Airlines and all of the Champions for Children and generous AA customers who showed their care and compassion for children in Haiti through their participation in UNICEF's Change for Good program on American Airlines.

Click here to read the one-year report prepared by the U.S. Fund for UNICEF to show how January and February 2010 Change for Good on American Airlines collections and other donations are helping to ensure that all of Haiti’s children can enjoy their right to survival, health, educations and protection.

What happens when there is Civil Unrest at your layover?

Speaker graphicWhen any kind of threat exists at airline locations and the possibility that this threat will interfere with the airline's ability to provide secure, on time, and comfortable transportation services it is necessary and appropriate to conduct security analysis based on the following:

  • Obtain information on aggressive activity of extremist groups against national or US targets.

  • Ascertain the nature of political relation between the United States and the country of concern.

  • Verify the capability of local Law Enforcement and Airport Authorities

  • Evaluate the capability of contract security companies, crew hotel security and local transportation security

  • Communicate with Corporate Security Departments of other U.S. Carriers as to their knowledge or information regarding the country of concern 
Keeping informed of what is happening could save you and your crew-members from a potential threat. Keep in mind, it may be a while before your airline will get a hold of you. Always be sure when signing in to your hotel, your name is clearly readable for the hotel staff in case your airline needs to contact you about security issues. (this could also help in case your outbound flight is delayed)

Travel Safety

photo Traveler
As we come to the 10th Anniversary of the tragic events of 9/11/01, Air Travel Safety and Security are the primary concerns of the majority of air travelers. I've compiled these tips to help keep you, as well as those with you, informed of your surroundings.
Personal Safety
 ·   Don't be a victim. Be alert, be confident, be prepared by knowing a route to safety. photo Travel Safety
 ·   Avoid wearing conspicuous jewelry. Wear appropriate clothes to locale.
 ·  Use your head. Keep to well lit areas and avoid walking near questionable characters alone.
 ·  Don't be afraid to create a scene - Yell "FIRE" or "NO", then get away.
 ·  Leave valuables at home or hotel safety deposit box.
Keep documents safe. Don't be careless - make copies of pertinent papers; i.e., passport, visas, driver's license, company ID, credit cards.
 ·  Do not draw attention to yourself by displaying large amounts of cash or expensive jewelry.


 ·   Tag all luggage. Use your name and business address, but do not use your business card. photo Travel Safety
 ·   Keep your luggage locked and never leave it unattended.
 ·  Drive to the nearest open business for help, or drive to a police or fire station if being followed.
 ·  Avoid using public transportation, such as the subway or bus. If you must use this type of transportation, select a busy, well-lit stop. Travel with a companion, if possible.
 ·  If driving, travel in well-lit streets, avoid back roads.
 ·  Keep doors locked at all times.
 ·  Do not park your car on the street overnight; use a parking garage or lot. Lock your car and remove the keys. Leave nothing in the car.
 ·  Have your keys ready to unlock the car door and enter without delay.

Hotel Safety

 ·   Don't open your door to strangers. If someone claims to be an employee, call the front desk to verify their identity and their purpose for entering your room. photo Travel Safety
 ·   Don't invite strangers to your room.
 ·  Keep valuables in the hotel safe deposit box.
 ·  Be observant and look around when entering and exiting parking lots. If you're returning to your room late in the evening, use the hotel's main entrance.
 ·  Close all doors and windows securely. Use all locking devices provided. Always keep the door closed and locked when you're in the room.
 ·  Keep your room keys well protected and out of sight in public areas.
 ·  If you lose or misplace your key, notify the front desk immediately.
 ·  Don't leave luggage or any other valuables in your vehicle. They're safer in your room.
 ·  Immediately report any suspicious activity, of any kind, to the management.
 ·  Locate all the fire exits, elevators and public phones.
 ·  Leave the television or radio on when you leave the room.
 ·  Do not place the "require maid service" sign on your door. It may signal that you are out of the room.
 ·  Avoid riding alone in elevators with strangers. Ask the hotel desk for an escort or ride when there are more people on the elevator.

Bike, Walk, or Jog
 ·   Always bring along enough money and change for a taxi fare or telephone call. photo Travel Safety
 ·   Stay alert to surroundings and be watchful of possible surveillance.
 ·  Have a trusted companion join you in these activities whenever possible.
 ·  Choose a route in advance that is safe and well-traveled.
 ·  Continually plan and look for "safe havens" while in route.
 ·  Avoid these activities at night.